Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Health, Hygiene and Diseases

Health, Hygiene and Diseases
You must have heard the saying ‘health is wealth’. Most of you must be in good
health. If you keep good health your parents may not have to worry about your health.
Health is of prime concern for individuals as well as for the community at large.
Good health requires certain efforts and cannot be purchased. In this lesson
we will discuss the characteristics of good health and the various factors that help
to maintain it. Cleanliness inside and outside the house, along with proper sanitation
helps in keeping the environment disease free. Knowledge of first aid can be of
great help in saving a victim’s life in case of an emergency. You will learn about
some first aid techniques also in this lesson.
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
• define health and differentiate between personal and community health;
• explain the role of proper nutrition, healthy habits and physical exercise in
maintaining good health;
• define hygiene and suggest ways to show that health and hygiene are interrelated;
• define disease and classify diseases into communicable and noncommunicable
• mention the cause, mode of transmission, symptoms and preventive measures
of some common communicable diseases;
• define immunity and list the various national immunisation programmes;
• define first-aid and identify some of its methods.
What is good health? Different people may consider good health differently. But
to define it formally,
just the absence of a disease. Good health may enable us to do well at work and in
life. Good health involves proper functioning of all body organs. It also involves
feeling well both in body and in mind. People enjoying good health are cheerful,
free from stress, and enjoy life to the fullest. Only if you are in good health you
can be of help to others and the community.
health is a state of complete physical, mental and social-being. We take health as being free from diseases but it is much more than
Health, Hygiene and Diseases : 269 :
Do you consider yourself to be in good health by the above-mentioned
To keep ourselves free from diseases and to have good health, we should be
careful about hygiene.
health are called hygiene.
The various practices that help in maintaining goodThe word hygiene comes from a Greek word hygiea
that means ‘
Goddess for health’ and deals with personal and community health.
Thus, health and hygiene go hand in hand or they are interrelated
Proper nutrition, physical exercise, rest and sleep, cleanliness, and medical
care are essential parts of maintaining good health. Health includes both
and community health
Taking care of oneself to remain healthy and free from diseases is personal health.
Some important aspects of good personal health are as follows:
1. Balanced diet:
balanced diet in lesson 25. Obtaining a balanced diet depends on one’s choice
and what one can usually afford. It also includes the correct proportion of
carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and roughage in your diet.
You have already studied about the need and importance of
2. Personal hygiene:
to keep yourself clean. Can you list them out? These activities are:
wastes generated inside the body.
make us sick because the dirt in our hand might carry certain diseasecausing
germs. We should wash our hands after going to the toilet.
Washing hands with soap make them germ free.
to grow. Bathing regularly keeps your body free of dirt, body lice and
germs (Fig. 31.1).
food, some food particles may remain
sticking to your teeth. These food
particles form a medium for the germs
to grow, harm your gums and teeth, and
cause bad breath. Brushing of teeth
every day do not let the germs grow.
Brushing of teeth before going to bed
is a very good habit.
and nails:
combing of hair helps in preventing dirt accumulation to keep the germs
away. Nails should be clipped regularly; nail biting is unhygienic and
must be avoided.
There are some activities you perform everyday in orderRegular toilet habits: Regular bowel movements keep us free of bodyWashing hands before eating: Having food with dirty hands mayBathing regularly and wearing clean clothes: Dirt is a place for germsCleaning the teeth: After eatingWashing hair, cleaning eyes, earsRegular washing and
Fig. 31.1 Regular cleaning and combing
keeps hair free from lice
Eggs on hair Magnified
Adult Louse
: 270 : Health, Hygiene and Diseases
3. Domestic hygiene
• House should be kept clean and free from dirt, flies and germs.
• Cooking utensils, plates, cups and other utensils should be kept clean.
4. Clean food and water
• Fruits and vegetables should be washed in clean water to make them
free from germs and pesticides (chemicals sprayed on plants to keep
them insect free) before consumption and cooking.
• Water used for drinking, cooking, bathing and washing utensils should
be from a clean source.
5. Cooking with care:
• While cooking food, it is important to heat it to high temperature to
kill any germs present in it.
• Cooked food should be eaten fresh or stored in cool, fly-proof place.
• Milk stored in the refrigerator or outside should be boiled again to
make it germ free.
Food should be prepared in a clean kitchen and in a clean
6. Abstaining from habit-forming substances:
avoid smoking, chewing of betel nut, gutka and tobacco, and drinking alcohol.
Intake of such habit-forming substances may lead to health problems such as
liver damage, kidney failure and heart failure.
To keep healthy, one should
7. Exercise:
Outdoor games and sport maintain the heart and circulatory system in good
condition. Walking keeps the joints of bones healthy.
Regular walking and physical exercises have a good effect on health.
8. Regular sleep and relaxation:
maintaining sound mental health. They also help in the repair of body tissues.
These also play an important part in
1. Define good health.
2. List two precautions that should be taken while storing cooked food.
3. Intake of alcohol and narcotics may cause damage to ____________
4. Washing of fruits and vegetables makes them free from _________ and
5. Balanced diet includes correct proportions of _________, __________,
_______, __________, and ________________
6. List any two activities that keep heart in good condition.
Activities, undertaken at the Government or local organisation level to maintain
health of the people (for controlling diseases) are known as community health.
We often read in the newspaper or see on television about the fast spread of
certain diseases in a particular area. Many people seem to get affected. This may
not be an individual problem, but the problem of community and requires
immediate attention. Local or government organisations may take steps to control
Health, Hygiene and Diseases : 271 :
spreading of a disease, by creating awareness and ensuring adequate supplies of
medicines. You must have seen notices and banners put up by the government
agencies stating the date and time of immunization programmes and the precautions
to be taken against different diseases. Such awareness is regularly created through
nationwide campaigns against the spread of diseases such as malaria, dengue,
AIDS, polio, leprosy, and Hepatitis B.
There are several organisations working towards good community health.
Some of these are listed below.
1. Government hospitals, and dispensaries
2. The National Malaria Eradication (removal) Programme
3. The Tuberculosis (T. B.) Eradication Programme
4. National Immunization Programme
5. National Pulse Polio Programme
Some of the important tasks, which the community health centres undertake are:
• To maintain proper cleanliness by
disposing off the sewage from colonies.
• To provide safe and
germ free drinking water.
• To run various
and other health awareness programmes wherever there is danger of spreading
of a disease.
• To provide
immunization (vaccination against various diseases) programshealth education.
• To spray insecticides to kill harmful insects.
• To maintain food standards, regular inspection at food stores, meat and milk
• To prevent mosquito breeding, cover open drains and pour kerosene oil on
the surface of stagnant water.
Fig. 31.2 Some efforts made towards maintenance of community health
and airy
Clean compounds
Concrete drains to
drain soil
Use Mosquito nets on beds
Spraying insecticides on walls
Fish eat larvae
Oiling surface of stagnant water
: 272 : Health, Hygiene and Diseases
You can keep your body clean but what will happen if you live in dirty
surroundings? If so, you are sure to fall sick. Thus, to have a healthy living one
must live in clean surroundings. Unclean surroundings may become breeding
ground for flies and germs, thus, leading to spread of diseases.
Environmental hygiene includes environmental sanitation or
keeping the surroundings clean.
To keep the environment healthy, we should be careful about the disposal of
the garbage. Some of the practices for disposing the garbage are:
sweep and mop the house to remove dirt from every nook and corner of the
house. The furniture must also be wiped clean. The cobwebs from the walls
and roof should be cleared at least once a week.
the roadside. This makes street dirty and allows flies, mosquitoes and other
animals to breed. This garbage not only gives a dirty look but also produces
foul smell. Garbage should be thrown inside the dustbins. The bins should
also be cleaned after emptying the garbage.
inside the house dustbins should be kept covered.
Keeping the house clean: The house must be cleaned every day. We mustThrowing garbage in dustbins: Do not throw your household garbage onKeeping dustbins covered: To prevent entry of insects and other animals
1. Name any two diseases for which awareness is being spread at the national
2. List any two national organisations working towards good community health.
3. Fill in the blanks.
i) Mosquito breeding may be prevented by pouring ___________ on
stagnant water.
ii) Unclean surroundings become breeding ground for __________ and
A disease is defined as any deviation from health or any state when body is
not at ease.
Disease may be the sickness of the body or the mind. A disease can be as mild as
a sore throat, common cold, and stomach upset or as serious as cancer. Disease
can strike almost any part of the body and anybody at some stage or the other.
They can also affect a person’s mental and emotional health. In this section we
will mainly discuss diseases of the body.
You may have heard of some common diseases or may be you have seen
people suffering from some diseases, such as typhoid, malaria, rickets, jaundice,
scurvy, common cold, etc. Can these diseases be categorised on some basis? One
Health, Hygiene and Diseases : 273 :
of the bases could be the cause of the disease.
through air, water and physical contact or spread through vectors like flies
and mosquitoes are termed communicable diseases.
Communicable Non-communicable
Diseases that are transmitted
• Diseases that spread from
infected person to another
• Caused by pathogens, such
as viruses, bacteria, fungi,
protozoa and worms
• Some examples are malaria,
typhoid, common cold,
measles and tuberculosis
Sometimes you would have seen or heard about a disease affecting a large number
of people in a small period.
particular area is considered to be an epidemic.
epidemic form in our country. Cholera is a bacterial disease and marked by
uncontrolled vomiting and diarrhoea. It may affect large number of people,
leading to dehydration and death.
A disease that affects a large population in aSometimes, cholera takes an
What is a communicable disease?
Diseases that spread from one person to another by the entry of pathogens
are called infectious or transmissible or communicable diseases.
How do communicable diseases spread?
We all know that there are a lot of germs or pathogens (disease causing organisms)
in the environment we live in. To carry on their life cycle, the pathogens try to
come out of the body of an infected person and reach out to more hosts for their
survival. They produce toxins in the host’s body which leads to symptoms, such
as fever and eruption of rashes, etc. These pathogens may be transferred from one
person to another by the following methods.
• Direct method
• Indirect method
Direct method
: by contact with the infected person.
Indirect method
towel or sharing a handkerchief or same bed with the patient may also spread
and insects carrying germs.
• Do not spread from an infected
person to another
• Pathogens are not involved
• These diseases may be caused due
to dietary deficiency (rickets,
scurvy, kwashiorkor), genetic
defects, hormonal imbalances,
allergy, etc.
may include the following:Touching and sharing items used by the infected person: Using the sameContaminated food and drink: Food and drinks may get infected by flies
: 274 : Health, Hygiene and Diseases
to another, for example housefly, cockroach, etc.
themselves remain unaffected. For example, animals
such as dogs and monkeys, or mosquitoes.
sneezing by the infected person (Fig. 31.3).
as infected needles.
Carriers: These organisms carry germs from one placeVectors: These are agents that harbour germs but theyAir: Through droplet method, i.e. coughing andDuring blood transfusion or other equipment such
We can classify various communicable diseases according to the type of causative
organism or pathogen (Table 31.1).
Table 31.1: Diseases caused by certain pathogens
Type of pathogen Diseases caused
Virus Influenza (common cold), Hepatitis
(Jaundice), Chickenpox, Measles
Bacteria Cholera, Tetanus, Tuberculosis,
Fungi Ring worm
Protozoa Amoebic dysentery, Malaria
Helminths (worms) Filariasis
The following table 31.2 will give you an idea of cause and symptoms of
some diseases and the different ways to prevent them.
Table 31.2: Symptoms of some common infectious diseases, the causative
organism, mode of transmission and preventive measures against the disease
I. Viral diseases
Disease Causative Mode of Symptoms Prevention/ Cure
organism transmission
Influenza Influenza Direct or Fever
virus Indirect contact Body pain Antibiotics to prevent
Sore throat secondary infections
Hepatitis Virus Contaminated Weakness Intake of treated water
(Jaundice) water Rise in body Vaccination
temperature Avoiding contact with
Yellowing of urine, an infected person and his
eyes and nails and his articles
Loss of appetite,
nausea and vomiting
Taking precautions
II. Fungal diseases
Disease Causative Mode of Symptoms Prevention
organism transmission
Ringworm Fungus Direct contact Ring like discoloured Personal
patches over the skin and scalp cleanliness
Itching, redness
Fig. 31.3 Droplet method of spread
of communicable disease
Health, Hygiene and Diseases : 275 :
V. Helminthic diseases
Mode of transmission
mosquito bite
Contaminated water
and food
Unwashed vegetables
House flies
Intermittent high fever;
Chilliness during periods
of high fever; headache;
Enlargement of spleen
and liver
Abdominal pain; five to
six blood and mucus
containing stools per day
Prevent accumulation
of water in
Protection from
mosquito bite; taking
anti-malarial drugs
Proper disposal of
human excreta;
Preventing food and
vegetables from
Drinking safe water
Causative organism
Helminthic worm
Mode of
Fever; swelling of
lymph nodes;
permanent swelling
of feet, legs and
thighs; accumulation
of large number of
worms causing
elephant leg-like
swelling (Fig. 31.4)
in the feet.
Prevention from
mosquito bite;
Taking preventive
medicines in
disease prone
Mode of
Direct contact with
infected person
Contaminated food
and drinks
Contaminated food
and water
From germs present
in faeces of patients
Difficulty in breathing,
chest pain; low grade fever
especially in the evenings
over long period; loss of
blood in sputum; night
Acute diarrhoea; vomiting;
dehydration; muscle cramps
BCG vaccination
at birth
Use of clean,
treated water.
Prevention of
IV. Protozoan
III. Bacterial diseases
: 276 : Health, Hygiene and Diseases
Contracting infectious diseases can be prevented by adopting measures such as:
• personal and community hygiene,
• intake of balanced diet,
• proper disposal of waste material,
substances, and
imparting education on habit-forming
• immunization against communicable
Protection from communicable diseases by
against diseases. Mother’s milk during infancy is very
important as it provides immunity against diseases to a
newborn baby. Immunity can be of two types:
is body’s ability to defend (fight and protect)Innate immunity (present from birth)Acquired immunity (achieved during one’s
Ways to acquire immunity
pox, measles or mumps, develops life-long immunity against the disease.
tuberculosis, hepatitis, etc.
Exposure to a disease: A person suffering from a disease, such as chickenBy vaccination: By taking vaccines against diseases, such as polio,
make the body develop body resistance to fight against disease
but do not themselves cause disease.
To prevent the occurrence of a number of communicable diseases,
immunization through vaccines is highly effective.
Vaccines are available against Polio, Chicken pox, Tetanus, Diphtheria,
Whooping cough, Tuberculosis and various kinds of Hepatitis, etc. Most of the
immunization for life long immunity should be provided at an early age.
Under National Immunization Programme vaccination facilities are available
at Government run clinics and hospitals for protection against some common
communicable diseases.
are weakened germs. When introduced into the body, they
Table 31.3: Vaccines given to a newborn child and mother
Age Vaccine Immunity against disease
2-6 weeks BCG Tuberculosis
3-12months DPT Diphtheria
Pertussis (whooping cough or kaali
Measles vaccine Measles
Fig. 31.4 Elephantiasis (elephant-like
legs) caused by helminthic worms
Health, Hygiene and Diseases : 277 :
18-24 months DPT-booster dose; Diphtheria
Polio booster dose (oral) Pertussis
5-6 years Diphtheria and Tetanus booster dose Diphtheria and Tetanus
10 years Tetanus Toxoide-booster dose Tetanus and Typhoid
Typhoid vaccine
(During pregnancy)
16-24 Weeks First dose of Tetanus toxoid Protection against tetanus during
child birth from surgical instruments
24-32 Weeks Booster dose of Tetanus toxoid
Innate immunity Acquired immunity
(Inborn or natural)
Non-specific Specific
(For infections in general) (For particular infections)
Active Passive
(Produced in one’s own body) (Supplied from outside)
Natural Artificial
(By previous infection) (By vaccination)
Natural Artificial
(Antibodies received
from mother)
(Readymade antibodies having
been produced in other animals)
1. List any two diseases transmitted from an infected person to other healthy
2. Are rickets and diabetes examples of communicable or non-communicable
3. Name any two diseases that can be prevented by taking vaccines.
4. Name the body organ(s) affected by hepatitis (jaundice).
5. Name a disease caused by the same group of organism that causes amoebic
Activities that can prevent serious deterioration of a victim’s condition before
he gets proper medical attention are called
first aid activities.
: 278 : Health, Hygiene and Diseases
You often share work with your parents at home or go outside to play or
work. Sometimes you or your friends may get hurt. In case of a medical emergency
it may not be possible to get medical attention at once. Immediate care given to a
victim of an accident, sudden illness or other medical emergency can save life.
All this comes under first-aid. Some first-aid techniques are given here.
Severe bleeding due to deep injury may lead to acute loss of blood, low blood
pressure and even death.
To stop bleeding:
• Press directly on the wound with thumb.
• Keep sterilised dressing or clean handkerchief.
• Make the victim lie down and elevate the bleeding part above the rest of the
31.8.2 Nosebleed
• Make the victim sit up and lean forward to minimise blood flow from that
• Press nostrils for a short while.
• Place an ice-cold cloth on the victim’s face.
• Consult a doctor if bleeding doesn’t stop.
31.8.3 Fainting
It is a brief, sudden period of unconsciousness. In most cases it occurs when a
person is standing motionless for too long and may fall to the ground.
• Loosen the clothing and raise the feet slightly. Blood will flow back in the
head and consciousness will be regained.
31.8.4 Dehydration
It is a condition when water is lost from body cells. Early symptoms include
severe headache and dizziness. Acute dehydration can result in death.
Dehydration may be caused due to reasons, such as, extreme heat, excessive
physical activity and inability to drink water, frequent vomiting and diarrhoea.
• Victim should be made to drink small quantities of Oral Rehydration Solution
(ORS) at frequent intervals. ORS can be made by adding one teaspoon of
sugar and a pinch of salt in a glass of (about 200mL) water.
31.8.5 Animal bite
It can result in serious infections and diseases if left untreated.
• Wash the area of bite thoroughly with soap and water and cover it with a
gauze dressing.
• In case of dog bite, the dog should be kept under observation to determine if
it has rabies (aversion from water or hydrophobia).
• Consult the doctor immediately for anti-rabies treatment.
Health, Hygiene and Diseases : 279 :
31.8.6 Burns
The first-aid treatment of burns depends upon the severity of the injury. Firstdegree
burns produce a reddening of the top layer of skin. Second degree burns
damage the deeper skin and may form blisters. To treat the first and second degree
• Place the injured area in cold water to relieve the pain.
• Blot the area and apply a dry sterile dressing.
Third degree burns destroy the deepest layer of skin and should not be treated
with water. They should be immediately covered with thick dressing, clean towel
or cloth sheet. A doctor should be consulted immediately.
Chemical burns caused by acids or alkalis should be flushed with large amounts
of water for at least 10 minutes.
31.8.7 Fractures and dislocations
A fracture is a break in the bone and a dislocation occurs when the end of the bone is
forced out of its normal position in a joint. This may happen when we fall or injure
ourselves while playing, driving or working etc. Signs of fracture and dislocation
include pain, unusual position of a joint or bone, and tenderness and swelling around
the injury. Victim may not be able to move the affected body part.
What needs to be done?
• Do not move the victim until the expert help arrives. Improper handling may
cause more damage.
• Apply a splint in that area if victim has to be taken for further treatment.
bones. Things, such as a walking stick, big scale, stick, umbrella, rod, etc.
can be used as a splint. Splint can be padded and tied to remain in place (Fig.
• Do not tie it very tight, as this may interfere with blood circulation.
• Do not move a person who has suffered neck or spinal injury.
is a support given to the injured area that prevents movement of the
Fig. 31.5 Technique showing application of splints
: 280 : Health, Hygiene and Diseases
Fill in the blanks.
1. Activities that can prevent any deterioration before medical help is available
to a victim are called _________________
2. Items such as _________ and ________may serve as a splint in case of a
3. Cases of first and second-degree burns should be immediately dipped in
4. In case of animal bite, affected areas should be washed with
5. Extreme pain on movement, tenderness and swelling around the area are signs
of ________________
• Health can be defined as a state of physical, mental and social well being.
• Basic conditions for good health are: balanced diet, personal hygiene, clean
food, water and air, exercise and relaxation and abstaining from habit-forming
• The various practices that help maintain health constitute hygiene.
• Hygiene could be personal and community (environmental).
• Personal hygiene includes clean habits such as: daily bath, washing of hands
before eating food and going to the toilet. Keeping nails, hair and teeth clean.
• Community hygiene includes keeping the surroundings clean and not letting
germs breed and cause diseases.
• Environmental hygiene and health means keeping the house clean and not
letting environment get dirty by throwing of the garbage.
• Organisations such as government hospitals and dispensaries, and programmes
such as: pulse polio, malaria eradication, leprosy and tuberculosis control
aims at good community health.
• Diseases can be communicable and non-communicable.
• Communicable diseases spread from an infected person to another person
through air, water, food and articles (objects).
• Communicable diseases may be caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoans,
and worms (helminths).
• Polio, influenza (common cold), hepatitis are caused by viruses.
• Tuberculosis and cholera are bacterial diseases.
• Protozoans cause diseases such as: malaria, amoebic dysentery etc.
• Elephantiasis (Filariasis) is caused by worms.
• Immunization by vaccines is an effective way of protecting body against
communicable diseases.
• Activities that can prevent serious deterioration of a victim’s condition before
the person gets proper medical attention are called first aid.
Health, Hygiene and Diseases : 281 :
A. Multiple choice type questions
1. Which one of the following diseases is caused by bacteria?
a) Polio
b) Hepatitis
c) Tuberculosis
d) Ringworm
2. Which of the following is a communicable disease?
a) Rickets
b) Scurvy
c) Marasmus
d) Cholera
3. Communicable diseases are those which are
a) caused by bacteria
b) carried from one person to another
c) caused by the deficiency of nutrients
d) carried from one organ of the body to another
4. Immunity against tuberculosis is provided by which of the following vaccines?
a) DPT
b) Tetanus Toxoide
c) BCG
d) Booster dose
5. The causative organism for malaria is a:
a) bacteria
b) virus
c) fungus
d) protozoa
B. Descriptive type questions.
1. Define hygiene.
2. Why is it insisted to use water from a reliable source?
3. What is an epidemic? Give one example.
4. Name any two organisations working towards community health.
5. Name the vaccine given to the mother during pregnancy.
6. Name any two viral diseases.
7. List any two ways in which food and water get contaminated.
8. A patient comes with symptoms of swollen feet, legs and thighs showing an
elephant leg like appearance. Identify the disease and the category of causative
9. Name any two diseases, against which protection is usually provided by
: 282 : Health, Hygiene and Diseases
10. People in a certain village have been drinking water from a pond and eating
unwashed vegetables plucked from the fields. After a few months they started
complaining of symptoms such as abdominal pain, five to six mucous and
blood containing stools/ motions per day. Identify the disease and the category
of the causative organism.
11. List any two precautions that should be taken while disposing the garbage.
12. What is personal hygiene? Discuss any four activities that are included in
personal hygiene.
13. Differentiate between communicable and non-communicable diseases. List
any four ways of spread of communicable diseases.
14. What is the difference between first and third degree burn? What important
precaution should be taken while handling them?
15. Why is community health important? List any five major tasks undertaken by
community health centres.
16. What is immunization? List any four vaccines and age at which they should
be taken as per National Immunisation Programme specifying the diseases.
C. Difficult But Try
1. Perform a survey in your area to list precautions people usually take to ensure
good health for their family.
2. Make a list of diseases people have suffered in the last six months in your
locality. Classify them on the basis of causative organisms and symptoms.
3. Visit a government hospital and find out about the immunizaton programme
followed in our country. Tabulate the information giving the name of vaccine,
age at which it is given and its functions.
1. A state of physical, mental and social well being.
2. Food should be kept covered, at a cool place.
3. Liver, kidney, heart (any two)
4. Pathogens/germs and pesticides.
5. Carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals and vitamins.
6. Walking, playing
1. Malaria, Hepatitis-B, Tuberculosis, Polio, AIDS
2. Government hospitals and dispensaries.
3. Kerosene
4. Flies and mosquitoes
Health, Hygiene and Diseases : 283 :
1. Influenza, Hepatitis, Tuberculosis
2. Non-communicable
3. Polio, Tuberculosis, Typhoid, Hepatitis, Diphtheria, Tetanus (any two)
4. Liver
5. Filariasis/ Elephantiasis
1. First aid
2. Stick, umbrella, long scale rod (any two)
3. Cold/ ice cold water
4. Soap and water
5. Fracture
Antibiotics :
protection, also used to cure certain infectious diseases.
Chemicals secreted by bacteria and some fungi for their own
Dehydration :
Excessive loss of water from body tissues.
Epidemic :
in a particular area.
A disease that affects a large number of individuals in a population
Hygiene :
Keeping personal body and surroundings clean.
Immunity :
Body’s ability to fight and protect against diseases.
Toxins :
Poisonous substances
Vaccination :
resistance against communicable diseases.
Introduction of weakened germs in the body to develope body’s


  1. सुन्दर पोस्ट।
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    आपका हिन्दी ब्लॉग हो तो बताइए।

  2. It was during my research on HIV/Herpes that I stumbled upon the Hiv/Herpes information; information which is quite easy to find when doing a search for STD on google. I was into conspiracy at the time thought of HIV/Herpes Cured' being a conspiracy was something Ignorance though,I found pretty interesting about herbal medicine. I asked questions about the Herbal cure's on official HIV/Herpes websites and I was banned for doing so by moderators who told me that I was parroting Hiv/Herpes propaganda. This reinforced my belief that there is a cure for Hiv/Herpes Then i found a lady from germany name Achima Abelard Dr Itua Cure her Hiv so I send him a mail about my situation then talk more about it and send me his herbal medicine I drank for two weeks.And today I'm Cured no Hiv/Herpes in my life,I searched for Hiv/Herpes groups to attempt to make contact with people in order to learn more about Hiv/Herpes Herbal Cure's I believed at this time that you with the same disease this information is helpful to you and I wanted to do the best I could to spread this information in the hopes of helping other people.That Dr Itua Herbal Medicine makes me believes there is a hope for people suffering from,Parkinson's,Alzheimer’s disease,Bechet’s disease,Crohn’s disease
    ,Cushing’s disease,Heart failure,Multiple Sclerosis,Hypertension,Colo_Rectal Cancer,Lyme Disease,Blood Cancer,Brain Cancer,Breast Cancer,Lung Cancer,Kidney Cancer,Love Spell,Lottery Spell,disease,Schizophrenia,Cancer,Scoliosis,Fibromyalgia,Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Syndrome Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva.Infertility,Tach Disease ,Epilepsy ,Diabetes ,Coeliac disease,,Arthritis,Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis,Alzheimer's disease,Adrenocortical carcinoma.Asthma, (measles, tetanus, whooping cough, tuberculosis, polio and diphtheria)Allergic diseases.Parkinson's disease,Schizophrenia,Lung Cancer,Breast Cancer,Colo-Rectal Cancer,Blood Cancer,Prostate Cancer,siva.Fatal Familial Insomnia Factor V Leiden Mutation ,Epilepsy Dupuytren's disease,Desmoplastic small-round-cell tumor Diabetes ,Coeliac disease,Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease,Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, Ataxia,Arthritis,Amyotrophic Lateral Scoliosis,Fibromyalgia,Fluoroquinolone Toxicity
    Syndrome Fibrodysplasia Ossificans ProgresSclerosis,Seizures,Alzheimer's disease,Adrenocortical carcinoma.Asthma,Allergic diseases.Hiv_ Aids,Herpe ,Copd,Glaucoma., Cataracts,Macular degeneration,Cardiovascular disease,Lung disease.Enlarged prostate,Osteoporosis.
    Dementia.,Hiv_ Aids,Herpes,Inflammatory bowel disease ,Copd,Diabetes,Hepatitis,I read about him online how he cure Tasha and Tara,Conley,Mckinney and many more suffring from all kind of disease so i contacted him . He's a herbal doctor with a unique heart of God, Contact Emal..info@drituaherbalcenter.com / drituaherbalcenter@gmail.com Phone or whatsapp..+2348149277967.
